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As an employer, do you want to get in touch with IT students?

The contact between business and students on the program is managed by our PR department. Amanuensen is a student who is employed by the IT department to work with business contacts and recruitment issues in addition to his studies.

The Amanuense's main job is to arrange events where employers market themselves to students, and this often happens in collaboration with the PR amanuense for computer science.

We have previously arranged

Lunch lecture

Offering lunch and talking about how you work is a good opportunity to introduce the students to you as an employer, who you are and what you do.


Evening event

Evening events are a good chance to meet students in more relaxed conditions. In addition to just giving lectures, you can also talk to them individually and thus get in better contact. These events can be customized as desired, but a typical concept is to have a presentation of the company which is then followed by mingling with the students. Food and/or drink is also usually offered. Evening events can be held at e.g. a pub, nation or local at school.

We can offer

  • Personal contact with students approaching graduation and ex-jobs. Often the company events have led to successful recruitments.

  • Create a positive image of your workplace with the students.

  • Marketing of you via various media, e.g. website.

  • All practical preparation for the event. We offer to arrange information for the students, registration, venue booking and ordering food.

For the IT department, it is important that the education is in phase with business development, and an important part of this is precisely the contact between the students and you as an employer. We design these events with interactivity and personal contacts as a benchmark.

Contact, or see our contact form below for more information and in case of interest.

Contact PR-Amanuense

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